Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 9 or higher required
Frequent questions
How can I access Digital Wellbeing Google?
You can access Digital Wellbeing Google on your Android device's Settings menu. There, you'll find a section called Digital Wellbeing.
Can I install Digital Wellbeing Google APK on my device?
If your device comes with a pre-installed version of Digital Wellbeing Google, then you can safely update it. Otherwise, this APK may not work.
Can I uninstall Digital Wellbeing Google?
Yes, you can uninstall Digital Wellbeing Google, but you will lose its features.
How can I disable Digital Wellbeing Google's data registry?
You can disable Digital Wellbeing Google's data registry in the Manage your data sub-menu within the app. After disabling it, your data will be removed within 24 h.
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